December 12, 2011


Selamat akhir pekan guys *ala anak gawl twitter*

pas gue buka shoutmix ternyata gue kena tag dari entrinya Linda.
well gue cuma bisa speechless :|

Pertanyaan dari Linda:

1. kalian ulang tahun kapan?
- my birthday on april 26th, 1994.

2. suka mapel apa di sekolah?
- my favorite subject ais chemistry.

3. teman yang kenal di facebook berapa?
- friends who i know on fb? uhm...i guess only 300 peoples;3

4. lebih milih handphone apa camera?
- if only choose, i choose handphone!

5. apa yang kamu suka dari hidupmu?
- i really like my problem because it's make me stonger<3 br="br">
6. pernah jatuh cinta sama sahabatmu gak?
- Not yet. I hope it never happen!

7. nama sekolahmu apa?
- My school's name? PGRI Plus Senior High School or you can call it as 'Pesat51'

8. punya phobia?
- No, i haven't.

9. suka binatang? binatang apa?
- I really didnt like animal-_-v

10. tujuan hidup kalian apa?
- As people i'll be

11. mau kenalan sama aku gak?*eh
- Of course yeah! Nice to know you shawty{}

Well. I really unmood so sorry for anything. I really miss my old!{}

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-Be nice there
-Ask something? Just ask in the box of things
-U smile, I smile

Cute Spinning Flower Pink